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Dullness and Tanning Removal

Best Dullness & Tanning Removal in Varanasi

Everyone loves going on those beach vacations, but dreads the tan that comes with it. Those annoying months of the year when your feet don’t match your ankles and your shoulders don’t match your arms are truly dreadful when you want to dress up (or down!).

What is tanning and why does it occur?

When we stay out in the sun for too long, its harmful ultraviolet rays penetrate through our skin cells and damage their DNA and RNA.

To protect excessive damage to the skin, our body’s natural effect is to produce melanin which creates a barrier between the sun rays and our skin and also naturally darkens it.

The more time in the outdoors we spend, the more melanin is produced. This forms layers on the skin and is what we usually see as a tan.

Other reasons why skin gets dull?

Other than the natural process of tanning which is beyond our control, there are several factors that cause your skin to lose its natural glow.

    1. Dust and pollution: The long hours in traffic spent next to pollution-emitting vehicles does no good for our skin. All the dust and grime tends to settle on it, creating a layer of dullness in the long run. A lapse in your skincare routine can only add to this effect.

    1. Sun exposure: Other than leaving you with a tan, the sun rays can also suck away moisture from your skin, accelerates the ageing process and makes it look dry and rough.

    1. An unhealthy diet: You are what you eat, and this rings true even for your skin. If your diet is poor in nutrition, it makes your skin lose its natural glow and hence appears dull. Plus, if you’re a regular drinker or smoker, the effects of alcohol and nicotine only add to poor skin health.

    1. Improper skincare routine: Lack of a proper skincare routine that’s tailored to your skin type and lifestyle can result in a build up of grime, dust and other external pollutants. This can also aggravate acne in the long term.

  1. Blue light and work environment: Spending long hours in an air conditioned room in front of your laptop or phone screen? The air from the air conditioner can severely dry your skin as it lacks any moisture that is present in the outdoors. Plus, the blue light emitted from electronic devices and high periods of stress can also result in dull, unhealthy skin.

Why should you treat your tanned or dull skin?

If tanned skin is left untreated, it can result in serious issues such as sunburn and premature ageing in the long run. This could speed up the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and crows feet as the sun rays also break down collagen in the skin.

This may also result in the formation of freckles and sun spots. In extremely severe cases, tanning can also lead to cancer of the cells called melanoma that begins in the cells that produce melanin in the deep layers of the skin.

De tanning treatment options

At Derm Elixir, we have a large variety of De tanning treatments to reduce and remove tanning from both the face and body. No matter how many hours you’ve spent on the beach, you’ll find a treatment that’s tailored for you on our menu.


Try it if: You need to treat skin darkened by melasma

What are the after effects?

  • Temporary: Redness, Dryness, Sun sensitivity

Usually, there’s no downtime. But some might experience mild dryness for about three days post the treatment, but this can be covered up with make-up. Avoid if you have extremely dry skin.


Bright Lights

Try it if: You need a quick glow boost for a special day or event

How does it work?

For a lit-from-within glow, count on Dr. Megha Pundir LED light therapies that can heal various skin issues from acne to skin soothing. Our express LED facial is designed for on-the-go clients who want a quick glow boost along with anti-acne or anti-ageing effects.

It starts with diamond exfoliation that sloughs off dead skin cells and tanning, followed by a serum infusion that is sealed with LED therapy.

The serum and LED light is customized according to your concern; try our hydrating, glow or anti-pigmentation serums and red light for collagen boosting, blue for acne issues and amber for anti-ageing and line plumping.

You’ll glow so good, even The Weeknd will be blinded be the light.

The need to knows:

You can try this one weekly or monthly for best effects.

What are the after effects?

No downtime, machines, risk, pain or post-care guaranteed!



Try it if: Your need to get rid of your holiday tan/De tanning

The need to knows:

  • Bright skin
  • Tackles pollution, ageing and prevents tanning

What are the after effects?

  • None



Try it if: You want renewed and fresh skin

How does it work?

Our SilkLove treatment is designed to give you healthier, brighter and hydrated skin. It uses a pen on your skin that provides simultaneous exfoliation of skin and DermalInfusion that involves topical delivery treatment of serums chosen for your main concern.

Your technician will begin with a deep cleanse and a customised treatment will be used to treat your skin concerns. You can try the Vitamin C liquid to fight tanning or sun damage, Lumixyl for hyperpigmentation, Hydrating for moisture and plumping and Clarity for treatment of acne.

After this step, we also apply topical minerals and vitamins, followed by sunscreen to keep your skin safe from UV rays.

The need to knows:

A full SilkLove treatment takes about an hour and can be repeated once every 3-4 weeks. We recommend a course of 6 sessions for truly improving the nourishment of the skin.

What are the after effects?



How to prevent sun tanning & dullness of skin?

While in-clinic treatments go a long way to reduce tanning, you can prevent it from the root by making some simple changes in your skincare and lifestyle.

Wear sunblock

We say this time and again, sunblock is your best friend. Whether the sun’s out shining or hiding behind the clouds, the UV rays can harm your skin even if they are not visible. Never skip on sunblock before you leave the house. Check your SPF requirement with your doctor and make sure you’re wearing one that’s not a part of your BB or CC cream.

Use a scarf

There are so many interesting ways to style your hair or outfit with a scarf, especially if you’re spending loads of time outdoors. Make sure you wear one during your daily commute to protect your skin from sun damage and sensitivity.

With a combination of lifestyle changes and tan-reducing treatments, be assured your skin is going to be its brightest, glowiest best.

About Me

Dr. Kiran Sethi

Dr. Megha Pundir

With the latest and most effective lasers, technologies and science, Derm Elixir can give you Quick and long-lasting results for all your skin and hair issues.

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