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Acne Treatment

Get flawless skin by best acne treatment in Varanasi at Derm Elixir

Dr.Megha Pundir, a leading Skin & She is one of the leading Skin Expert, providing best acne treatment in Varanasi with proven results through diet and lifestyle recommendations, and various treatments like Acne Defense, Neo facial lasers, peels, for safe acne removal.

Dealing with acne is one of the most pressing beauty issues, and it’s also surprisingly common. Acne usually occurs when excessive oil and dead skin clog up your skin’s pores. It’s also aggravated by external factors like our diet, stress, pollution and hormones.

Women who suffer from PCOS are more likely to see zits pop up on their face (or even the body) due to high levels of male hormones or an imbalance in their hormones.

Sometimes, even the make-up or skincare products we use are comedogenic in nature and clog our pores, leading to this troublesome skin condition. Whiteheads, blackheads, blemishes and zits are all forms of acne.

We are also seeing more and more acne in adults nowadays, and we believe this has strongly got to do with our stressful lifestyles, pollution and the hormone and toxin-laden foods that we eat that.

Acne often leaves behind scars and marks, that can make the skin look bumpy and uneven, or sometimes even red and angry.

If you want to treat the red, angry pimples or get rid of the marks, be assured that DermElixir Aesthetics has a treatment for you.



Try it if: You need to treat troublesome spots and clear your skin

How does it work?

Our Acne Spot Peel and Acne Erase Peel are super effective when it comes to attacking acne-causing bacteria and reducing oil secretion.

Try the former, which is a favourite with celebrities and partygoers, to treat big, unexpected zits in just 1-3 days.

It works on the full face to cleanse, exfoliate and purify pores, giving you a deep cleanse and sloughs off damaged skin.

The need to knows:

  • Budget-friendly
  • Multiple sessions required
  • Combine with other treatments for best results (+ 15 mins)

What are the after effects?

  • Temporary: Redness, Dryness, Sun sensitivity
  • 1 week: Aggravated acne due to skin purging

Ideal for: Any age group and gender


Acne Defense

Try it if: You need to get rid of acne quickly

How does it work?

It involves cleansing and exfoliation of skin, followed by extraction of blackheads and grime from pores. We then use LED light therapy to fight acne-causing bacteria and a metabolic peeling to deep cleanse all those zits out.

This is because our experts know that acne just isn’t on your skin, it’s under it too. And Acne Defense will help purge all those hidden zits for acne-free skin real quick. At Derm Elixir, we’ll also customize your treatment to match your skin type and gender.

The need to knows:

This one-hour session, spaced every 2-4 weeks, can accelerate the healing of acne and prevent it from occurring again. Typically, it requires about 2-4 sessions for best results and there is no machine or laser involved.

What are the after effects?

You may experience dryness for about 2-7 days post the treatment. This treatment also purges the skin of toxins so you may see some of the acne under the skin coming out.

This is a good sign because your skin needs purging. Without purging, acne takes longer to clean out.

Ideal for: Men, Women and Teens.

Neo Facial

Try it if: You need to bust acne

How does it work?

There’s nothing more annoying than a zit that pops up at untimely occasions. But you can count on this non-intrusive laser to kill acne-causing bacteria that contributes to your skin woes.

It also solves the problem from the root by reducing sebum production, and thereby reduces the chances of a breakout in the future. What more could a girl really want?

The need to knows:

  • Duration: 15 minutes
  • Non-intrusive
  • Painless
  • No numbing required
  • 4-6 sessions every fortnight/month

What are the after effects?

  • No downtime
  • Healthy Glow
  • Tight Pores
  • Slight acne aggravation before healing

The need to knows:

  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Immediate results
  • Hydration
  • Glow
  • Can be done monthly

What are the after effects?

  • None

Ideal for: Men, Women and Teens

About Me

Dr Megha Pundir

Dr.Megha Pundir

With the latest and most effective lasers, technologies and science, Derm Elixir can give you Quick and long-lasting results for all your skin and hair issues.

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